Fresh & Edible Flowers

Flowers Asiatic Lillies - per bunch Asiatic lillies per bunch. $10.91
Flowers Chrysanthemum - per bunch The Chrysanthemum is one of the most popular Mother’s Day gifts, not only because it has the word ‘mum’ in its name, but because they are long flowering, easy to grow and are absolutely beautiful. They’re also available as perennial & annual depending on variety. $9.09
Flowers Deluxe Mixed - per bunch Mixed bunch of flowers. $17.50
Flowers Edible Viola - per punnet Edible flowers are flowers that can be consumed safely. Flowers are part of many regional cuisines, including Asian, European, and Middle Eastern cuisines. $10.99
Flowers Lillies Oriental - per bunch Oriental Lilies are ostentatious flowers that command attention! The large flowers have bold open petals in a large range of colours, all with a fabulous fragrance $22.72
Flowers Natives - per bunch Our native flower arrangements and bouquets feature fresh stems of flora and fauna including favourites such as protea, banksia, wax flower, eucalyptus, and leucadendron. $15.91
Flowers Red Roses - per bunch Red roses are the epitome of romance. Red roses symbolize all that’s associated with love, passion, and romance since time eternity. $21.99
Flowers Roses Cylinder - each This beautiful bouquet of red rose in a cylinder is a perfect for any occasion. The roses are handpicked and arranged with care to ensure that they are fresh and beautiful. $7.99
Flowers Roses Mixed Colours - per bunch Mixed colour roses. Available in yellow, white, orange and purple. $22.75
Flowers Valentine Posie - per bunch The Just For You bouquet is a delightful arrangement that will surely brighten anyone’s day. Just For You features gorgeous pastel toned blooms carefully designed into a beautiful arrangement. $29.99